Design Study class November 2018

Federation Design Class January 2016

"Fascinator" Headband

In order below- examples by teacher Candice Morganstern, work by Lynne Da Ros, Janice Giorgianni, Dorothy Backman, Annette Jarvis, and Deb Mack.

                                                                  pictures by Janice Giorgianni

Federation Design study Class

November 2015

Parallel Design

Federation Design study Class,

Line Design

October 2015

Federation Design Study Group:  January 15, 2014
 Multi-Rhythmic Design:  A Creative Design with emphasis on two or more rhythms in the design.  Lines create two or more separate and distinct rhythms, each creating a different pattern and movement unlike the other.  Lines may go in any direction, e.g., straight, curvilinear, zigzag, or a combination and may cross.  The lines may be created by any component/s, continual or broken, or by the repetition of color, form or texture.


         Multi-Rhythmic Design with Lynne Merrill, and was held at St. Matthew's Church in Jamestown, RI. Portsmouth Garden Club members attending the class are Annette Jarvis, Deb Mack, Janice Giorgianni, Joan Paquette, Linda Kirkpatrick, Madeline Beaucage, Sofi Cofield, Marilyn Brockway.

                  Multi-Rhythmic Step-By-Step:

We also found out that we needed to anchor the oasis to the container bottom with tabs.  If you don't anchor the oasis, the whole piece could topple over.

RI Federation of Garden Club's Design

November 2014.  Attendees included Madeline Beaucage, Janice Giorgianni, Annette Jarvis, Linda Kirkpatrick and Deb Mack.

RI Federation of Garden Club's Design Class for October 2014
-Fleur".  Attendees included Madeline Beaucage, Janice Giorgianni, and Linda Kirkpatrick.

                 This beautiful arrangement was designed by Janice 



                          Picture to follow

Federation January Design Class Arrangements by Janice Giorgianni.

Federation Thinking Out of the frame class

Federation Design Study 

Ocober 2013,

Hogarth Curve

with de Feldman at Mr. Hope Farm, Bristol, RI. Portsmouth Garden Club members attending the class are Annette Jarvis, Deb Mack, Janice Giorgianni, Joan Paquette, Linda Kirkpatrick, Madeline Beaucage, Sofi Cofield, Sue Perry.


This design is one of the classical geometric designs, and is known as a Hogarth Curve or Lazy S. This is quite a difficult design to get right, and a number of factors have to be taken into consideration when making this type of arrangement. Firstly, the container used should be quite tall, to accommodate the lower downward-curving half of the design, and should have a narrow neck. If the container used has a very narrow neck, then you could use a small candle cup fixed into position to allow for a slightly larger piece of floral foam to be used. Only a small amount of foam should should be used for this design, as it is very easy to get the center of the design much too large when trying to cover a large piece of foam with plant material. The foam should be around 3" taller than the rim of the container, to allow for the downward-curving plant material. Next, the foliage used to define the shape should have a gentle curve. This is very important, as it is impossible to achieve the right shape with straight material. The curve of the design should be almost upright, and care should be taken not to make it too "lazy"! The shape can curve either way, as there is no right or wrong way - it's up to you to decide which way looks better for the situation in which it will be placed. Two of these arrangements as mirror images would look lovely.

Hogarth Curve Design

Reflective Design

By Marie Harrison (can2grow)
February 11, 2011

The group follows the guidelines published in National Garden Club's Handbook for Flower Shows, 2007 Edition.

NGC Definition and Requirements for Reflective Designs as published in the Handbook are:

  • Definition: a creative design containing material/s that reflect, give back image/s of light or other components to the viewer.
  • Reflective materials are placed to reflect light and/or provide visual involvement of the viewer with the reflective part/s of the design.
  • Reflective materials are an integral part of the overall design.
  • The reflective material may be shiny metal, plastic, paper, pieces of mirror, mirrored objects, etc.
  • Staging a design on or in front of a mirror is not a Reflective Design.

Before the designer can tackle this design type, some basic terminology must be understood. The casual reader will read, "creative design" and know that the design should be creative. However, according to National Garden Clubs, very specific guidelines define a creative design.

The NGC Creative Floral Design is an art form. In this art form, creativity, imagination, and originality are essential. The designer is basically freed from all the constraints of Traditional Design Style. Designs no longer have to follow a set pattern, and the designer can basically forget about gradation of sizes, forms and colors that traditional designs require.

NGC Creative Design Style, as in NGC Traditional Design Style, must adhere to the principles of design (balance, rhythm, contrast, dominance, proportion, scale). However traditional designs are designs IN space, while creative designs are designs OF space.

In creative designs, concepts are borrowed from different styles and periods to create new concepts and forms. Usually there is great restraint in the amount of plant material or the number of components used. Unlike traditional designs with one point of emergence and one focal area, creative designs may have multiple points of emergence, and interest or focal areas may be scattered throughout the design. The designer discards the notion that fillers and transitional materials must be used and works to achieve structural clarity. Designers learn to select fewer components but to use them boldly.

Designers create space within, around and about the physical components by using the organizational technique called interpenetration of space. They may penetrate space by placing components that thrust from foreground to rear ground of a design, or from the rear ground to the foreground.




Federation Design Study,
November 12, 2013- 
Reflective Design with Candace Morganstern in Tiverton, RI. Portsmouth Garden Club members attending the class are Annette Jarvis, Deb Mack, Janice Giorgianni, Joan Paquette, Linda Kirkpatrick, Madeline Beaucage, Sofi Cofield, Sue Perry.

Step by Step with Candace

from Deb Mack

1.  Fill vase with water 2/3 full.
2.  Trim Mitsumata branches and place them in the vase, one up and one down
3.  Tie them together with plastic locks for support and then trim locks
4.  Wire ball is placed in vase as mechanism for flowers and other leaves
5.  Wipe Aspidistra leaves clean on both sides to make them shine & last longer
6.  Cut and split the tallest Aspidistra leaf by folding it in half, cut down at an angle
7.  Pull center thru side pieces; stem goes in water
7.  Secure top of leaf with UGlue tag
8.  Using another leaf, bend the stem over and push the stem thru the back to the front.  Carefully bend stem again and push it thru to the back.  This creates a shorter leaf with curves for interest.
9.  Add Anthurium leaves using wire ball as mechanism
10. Add second wire ball as you wish
11  Final product

Meetings are held monthly at the library for club members and guests _________________

September 10, 2024 Tuesday for this meeting 1:00


Welcome back members !

Fellowship and meeting

 Newport Vinyards


Presenter :Andy Teixeira, Executive Chef
Tour of greenhouse; Food to Table restaurant execution with wine and nibbles

October 2 2024


90th anniversary celebration luncheon


Wanumetonomy Golf Club, Middletown, R.I.


International Designer : Candace Morgenstern

 $45 per person

Reservations required


October 23-24, 2024


New England Garden Club Annual Meeting (Federation)

 Crown Plaza, Warwick, R.I.



November 13, 2024

1:00 Portsmouth Free Public Library


Presenter: Michael Leverett, Manager 

Clements Marketplace 


Trends and news from the Floral Market 


November 22, 2024


Portsmouth Free Public Library 

Annual Taste of Portsmouth 7-9 p.m.    $30

Only 300 tickets to be sold


December 11 2024

12:00 Portsmouth Free Public Library


Christmas Luncheon     Small bites” - a “sharing” holiday luncheon


January 8, 2025


12:30 Portsmouth Free Public Library

New time. Social and refreshments first                            Presenter : 2:00 Ilene Chernoff, Hostess V.P

                    Playing with food-Easy and fun decorating with food


February 12,  2025

12 :30 Ragged Island Brewery


Presenter: 2:00 Susan Rood


Topic "Tasha Tudor:” a renowned plantswoman and gardener in Connecticut and Vermont, and author and doll collector


March 14, 2025

12:30: Oceanpoint Christian Church, Middletown


Presenter: 2:00 Linda  Hall, Master Gardener

Topic: Native Plants 


April 9, 2025

12: 30 Portsmouth Free Public Library


Presenter: 2:00 Anna Jane Kocon, Owner Little State Flowers


Topic : The  flower farm in Tiverton


April 2025

Earth Day


April  2025 RIFGC Annual Awards Luncheon


April  2025

Arbor Day


May 14 2025
12:30 Portsmouth Free Public Library

Presenter: 2:00 Lisa Perez, of Byleckie Horticultural Services, Prov.


Topic : Small Garden Design                  ______________

May 31,  Plant Sale

at the Public Library

Benefits Portsmouth Garden Club and the Portsmouth Free Public Library


June  11, 

Club Annual Luncheon-



June , 2025

The Newport Flower Show

at Rosecliff with the theme ; Flower Fair
