Memorials: Tree, Bush, Bench Memorials

2018          A Magnolia Leonard Russell tree planted at the Ports. Historical  

                  Society in memory of Olivia, "Livvie", Marcoux, A coral bark

                  maple planted at the Society in memory of Madeline Beaucage

                  and two Hydrangeas" Tuff stuff" in Memory of Kath Kocoon also

                  planted at the Portsmouth Historical Society.


2013      -   A Bench in memory of Eileen Gleeson (Mrs. George "Bill") 
                  has been seasonally placed at the Portsmouth Free Public Library.


2013     -   A National Graden Club Blue Star Memorial was installed and

                 dedicated August 10, 2013 at the Portsmouth Free Public Library,

                 East Main Road. It was paid for by the club and sponsored by the

                 club, local Veterans organizations and the library.


2011      -   A pink Flowering Dogwood Tree (planted in 2014) replaced
                  the Two Dove Trees that were originally planted at the
                  Portsmouth Community Playground in memory of
                  Mary (Member) and George (Honorary Consultant) Mendonca.


2010      -   A dwarf Alberta Spruce was planted at the Bristol
                  Ferry Town Commons in memory of Loretta Nannery
                  (Mrs. James).


2009      -   A Maple Tree planted at The Portsmouth Free Public
                  Library in memory of Lou Feid (Mrs. Gordon).


              -   A Dogwood Tree planted at the Portsmouth Free
                  Public Library in memory of Grace Van Petten
                  (Mrs. George).


2008      -   A Witch Hazel Tree planted at St. Paul's Episcopal
                  Church in memory of Elinor Peckham (Mrs. Ashley).


              -   A Witch Hazel Tree planted at St. Anthony's
                   Church in memory of Tee (Theresa) Bodah
                  (Mrs. William).


2006      -   A Strax Tree planted at the Portsmouth High School
                  Courtyard Water Garden in memory of Milly
                  (Mildred) Libby (Mrs. Howard "Bud"). ( no 

                  longer identified on site)

              -  A Strax Tree planted at the Portsmouth High School
                 Courtyard Water Garden in memory of Annette
                 (Etta) Hall (Mrs. Benjamin). Tree plaque was added
                 in 2010. (no longer identified on site)


              -  A Hydrangea planted at Portsmouth High School
                 Courtyard Water Garden in memory of Ann Blaess
                 (Mrs. Archie) whose azalea at the Portsmouth
                 Community Playground had died. 1997 Plaque
                 reassigned here. ( no longer identified on site)


2003      -  Azaleas planted at St. Anthony's Church in memory
                 of Ceal Keavey (Mrs. Everett).


2002      -  A Green Ash "Freedom Tree" planted at the 
                 Portsmouth Police Station in memory of those who
                 lost their lives on 9/11/2001.


2001      -  A Holly Bush planted in memory of Anne P. Leys
                 (Mrs. Bradford) at the Visiting Nurse Association


1997(?) -  A Tree planted at the Portsmouth Community
                Playground in memory of Rita Lindquist (Mrs. James).


1997     -  A Cherry Tree planted in memory of Irene Peyton
                (Mrs. Fredrick, Sr.) at the Portsmouth Community


             -  A Bench in memory of Frances McNitt (Mrs. William) 
                at The Portsmouth Community Playground.


             -  An Azalea Bush planted in memory of Anne Blaess
                (Mrs. Archie) at the Portsmouth Community
                Playground (died-replacement plant at Portsmouth High


             -  A Horse Chestnut Tree planted at the Island Park
                Playground in memory of Florence Fischer
                (Mrs. Henry). Later replaced then re-tagged 2010.


1996(?) -  A Flowering Pear Tree planted at the Portsmouth
                Community Playground in memory of the Children
                in the Oklahoma City bombing 


1992     -  A Star Magnolia planted at the Portsmouth Police
                Station in memory of Catherine Phillips, wife of
                former Police Chief Benjamin Phillips. (removed during 2017

                building renovation)


1990     -  A Weeping Cherry Tree planted at The Portsmouth
                Free Public Library in memory of Sonia Carter
                (Mrs. Dana). (Removed 2016)


1984     -  Rhododendron at Quaker Manor in memory of
                Mrs. Florence Kelley.


1983     -  A Colorado Blue Spruce planted by the Portsmouth
                Garden Club on the front lawn of the Historical
                Society with a bronze plaque naming "in memory" the
                nine Marines who died in Beirut, Lebanon. Donated
                by Mr. and Mrs. George Young. (storm damaged and removed

               2017 plaque remained)


1980     -  A Forsythia in Legion Park in memory of
                Mrs. Herbert Carroll was moved in 1983 to the
                Hathaway School.


             -  A Silver Bowl (Reed and Barton) presented to the
                Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc to be
                awarded as a “Litter Control Award” in memory of all
                our deceased member. (returned to the club in mid 2000s)


1979     -  A Pink Dogwood at the United Methodist Church in 
                memory of Mrs. Joseph Ferreira planted to match the
                one already there in memory of Mrs. Romeo
                Belanger. One white dogwood on site.


             -  A Cut Beech Tree planted as a "Liberty Tree" at
                Legion Park, Town Hall "to commemorate the 
                bicentennial of the Battle of Rhode Island".


1977     -  A Pyracantha at the Portsmouth Free Public Library 
                in memory of Kay Sheehan (Mrs. John). Pyracantha
                died and its replacement was removed when the 
                new ramp location was landscaped in 2007-8. (No
                longer on site.)


1973     -  A Norwegian Spruce at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in
                memory of Mrs. Charles Boyd.


1969     -  A Mountain Ash at Coggeshall School in memory of
                Louise Snyder (Mrs. Walter). Site was later the Aquidneck
                Island Christian Academy.


1967     -  A Beech Tree planted at the Portsmouth Free Public
                Library in memory of Mrs. Phyllis Halwig (Mrs. Stuart).


1965     -  Two dogwoods planted at Henry F. Anthony School
                 in memory of deceased members. Site is now
                 Anthony House Senior Living.


1964     -  Two Dogwood Trees at Henry F. Anthony School in
                memory of Mrs. George White (North tree) and
                Mrs. John Gorton (South tree). Site is now Anthony
                House Senior Living.


1963     -  Two White Flowering Dogwood Trees at the 
                Portsmouth Free Public Library in memory of Mrs.
                Clara Anthony and Mrs. Gertrude Brickhill. (No
                longer on site.)


1962     -  Three Sugar Maples on the front lawn of the
                Historical Society in memory of Miss Gladys Doyle, 
                Miss Nettie Winslow and Edith Bishop Nicholson 
                (Mrs. J.M.G.) (One damaged by a hurricane in late
                1980s and later removed).


1959     -  Two Flowering Crabapple Trees at the Portsmouth 
                Free Public Library in memory of Mrs. Arthur Hill and 
                Mrs. John Burns. (No longer on site.)


             -  A Flowering Crabapple Tree at the Portsmouth Free 
                Public Library in memory of Mrs. F. Page Hicks In
                1964, the tree was replaced with a flowering


1951     -  Two Elm Trees on East Main Road near the 
                Portsmouth Historical Society Building in memory of 
                all deceased Club Members. Donated by Mr. and
                Mrs. Jacob Menzi (Sr.).


             -  Two Costa Blue Spruce Trees at the Historical
                Society in memory of Mrs. Arthur Sherman and Mrs.
                Benjamin Storrs. Donated by Mrs. Benjamin Hall. (No longer on site)


Pre 1951 - Shrubs at Legion Park in memory of the service 
                 men from the town of Portsmouth. (No longer on


1942     -  Pink Dogwood Tree at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in
                honor of Mrs. Beauchamp (first deceased Club
                Member and also the Pastor's wife). (No longer on 


193*     -  A tree in Legion Park in honor of Mrs. Isaac
                McComber donated by Mrs. Norman Hall. (No longer
                on site.)



*No specific year was given for this planting.

Meetings are held monthly at the library for club members and guests _________________

September 10, 2024 Tuesday for this meeting 1:00


Welcome back members !

Fellowship and meeting

 Newport Vinyards


Presenter :Andy Teixeira, Executive Chef
Tour of greenhouse; Food to Table restaurant execution with wine and nibbles

October 2 2024


90th anniversary celebration luncheon


Wanumetonomy Golf Club, Middletown, R.I.


International Designer : Candace Morgenstern

 $45 per person

Reservations required


October 23-24, 2024


New England Garden Club Annual Meeting (Federation)

 Crown Plaza, Warwick, R.I.



November 13, 2024

1:00 Portsmouth Free Public Library


Presenter: Michael Leverett, Manager 

Clements Marketplace 


Trends and news from the Floral Market 


November 22, 2024


Portsmouth Free Public Library 

Annual Taste of Portsmouth 7-9 p.m.    $30

Only 300 tickets to be sold


December 11 2024

12:00 Portsmouth Free Public Library


Christmas Luncheon     Small bites” - a “sharing” holiday luncheon


January 8, 2025


12:30 Portsmouth Free Public Library

New time. Social and refreshments first                            Presenter : 2:00 Ilene Chernoff, Hostess V.P

                    Playing with food-Easy and fun decorating with food


February 12,  2025

12 :30 Ragged Island Brewery


Presenter: 2:00 Susan Rood


Topic "Tasha Tudor:” a renowned plantswoman and gardener in Connecticut and Vermont, and author and doll collector


March 14, 2025

12:30: Oceanpoint Christian Church, Middletown


Presenter: 2:00 Linda  Hall, Master Gardener

Topic: Native Plants 


April 9, 2025

12: 30 Portsmouth Free Public Library


Presenter: 2:00 Anna Jane Kocon, Owner Little State Flowers


Topic : The  flower farm in Tiverton


April 2025

Earth Day


April  2025 RIFGC Annual Awards Luncheon


April  2025

Arbor Day


May 14 2025
12:30 Portsmouth Free Public Library

Presenter: 2:00 Lisa Perez, of Byleckie Horticultural Services, Prov.


Topic : Small Garden Design                  ______________

May 31,  Plant Sale

at the Public Library

Benefits Portsmouth Garden Club and the Portsmouth Free Public Library


June  11, 

Club Annual Luncheon-



June , 2025

The Newport Flower Show

at Rosecliff with the theme ; Flower Fair
